The Hybrid Enigma: Investigating the Alien-Human Connection

Find out more about the alien implant and abduction experience of a Montauk survivor and alien human hybrid at


Find out more about the alien implant and abduction experience of a Montauk survivor and alien human hybrid at

My name is Talop, and I am a Vampire Ashram elder who can attest to the fact that I am an alien-human hybrid who was hybridised and programmed in the notorious Montauk underground in Long Island, New York, for use by the rebel reptilian Satanic empire, which includes the Illuminati, Freemasonic, and Luciferian forces.

The Mysterious Alien-Human Hybrid Phenomenon Revealed

I can start the telling of this story in April of 1971 when I was born in Lenox Hill hospital in Manhattan, or can I? Conception is far more important than physical birth despite the impacts of birth trauma on human development, and I know that I was quite literally conceived out on Montauk, Long Island because my biological father told me so. Although he never knew how. It is not like I was planned, anyway. Yet he never forgot the night of my conception or how magical he remembered it to be.

While my conception may have been magical my delivery was not, as my biological father also told me that during my birth, my biological mother was unable to push me out and the doctors were unable to pull me out with forceps. So they just left me to push myself out, or die. It took me 2 hours, but I basically delivered myself which gave me a certain strength, I suppose. No doubt this strength has served me well over the course of what has been a very difficult life. Surely millions have had it harder than I, but that doesn’t make my existence any less difficult, nor make me feel any better about it.

The longer a being such as myself exists in a world such as this, the harder their experience gets. This is because what one is, is not meant to be in this world, and the longer one endures here, the more one’s real nature begins to gnaw away at oneself, due to it’s inability to express itself in this world. Sure, you can attempt to bring forth and integrate your "real nature," out of sheer ignorance of what it actually is, by pursuing Reichian breathwork, kundalini yoga, etc., but if these pursuits are continued relentlessly, you will come to learn that much of your "armor" and most of your"blockages” are not the results of social conditioning that can be dropped, or psychodynamic conflicts that can be resolved, but are in fact alien implants and other safety/control mechanisms that were installed by the Greys as part of your hybridization.

What Options Does an Alien Human Hybrid Have?

As my darkness had been inadvertantly awakened, I gravitated towards necromancy from Thailand and Khmer, often practiced by rogue Buddhist monks. Magic did not help my situation, however. It was if some alien will was in charge, and I was beside myself. Unlike others who had ran away from themselves, I had put in over 30 years of hard work and sacrifice to run towards myself. What had it amounted to? It was as if I had made it out of my prison cell, only to find myself standing in the prison yard. Technically, an escape. Practically, still an imprisonment. I still had nothing even remotely resembling a life, not realizing a hybrid being such as myself was never meant to have a"life.” It’s more like an existence.

My entire world started to shift as soon as I completed the metamorphosis. I didn't turn into a vampire for strength, retribution, or anything of the kind. Love is why I did it. Love for my deceased spouse, who later served as my sire, as well as for the purpose of love in general. Since human language cannot adequately convey what it means, I am at a loss for words, but if you have ever seen a BBC episode of Doctor Who and had the same enduring feeling in your heart, then you likely understand what I am trying to convey.

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